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      语 文REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com












      4. 下列对原文相关内容的理解和分析,不正确的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. “偷梁换柱”这一成语在现今的使用中多含有贬义的色彩,但在古建筑工程领域,它是指一种修缮加固的科学方法,完全没有贬义。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 中国古建筑大木构架剖面示意图展示了几种不同位置、不同尺寸的柱,这些柱子中,立于地面的立柱比较容易发生糟朽残损的情况。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 结合图文可以发现,屋顶的重量由上层柱承担,然后传给梁,再由梁传递给其下的短柱,依次向下传递,最终由底部的立柱传至地面。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. “偷梁换柱”的加固方法包括托梁、抽柱、换柱等步骤,在每一个步骤中梁一直会得到很好的支撑,从而始终能够保持水平稳定状态。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      5. 请根据原文内容,在下面文段的横线处补写出恰当的词语。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      6. 清代的古籍中有另一种“偷梁换柱”的记载:当某根立柱损坏需要更换时,为节省工料,工匠只是在原柱旁边设一根新柱,再撤去原柱。为什么第2题“工程实例”中,太和殿修缮没有采用这种更简便的加固方式呢?请简要分析。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】4. C 5. ①. 原柱 ②. 新柱 ③. 假柱REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      6. ①新柱如果没有原位替换原柱,可能会改变建筑原结构的受力和传力方式,影响整体的稳定性;REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com





































      7. 下列对文本相关内容和艺术特色的分析鉴赏,不正确的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. 文章第一段写乌乡的清晨,作者感受着风与光,视线从脚下草、身边树,推展至天际寒星,再收回到农家炊烟,心情和笔触都从容舒缓。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 霜降夜攀谈中,作者感觉到“一些亮点像阵雨打湿心头,渗入静夜植物的根须”,既实写外在景致的变动,又虚写心中灵感的滋生。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 霜降夜的柴草烤软了冻果,次晨草木灰被倾倒在路边水洼,一个年轻人踩过草木灰离家远行,这些点滴细节都带有乌乡生活的温度。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. 本文不仅记录了作者本人在乌乡小住的感受,还提及不少与当地生活息息相关的话题,如农事收成、动物保护等,侧面反映了乡村的发展。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      8. 如何理解文章最后作者记下的那句话?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      9. 乌乡霜降夜,作者“感觉到生命与节气之间发生了某种密切的联系,有很强烈的体验感”,文章是从哪些方面来抒写这种体验感的?请简要分析。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】7. D 8. ①面对生活的困境,有人经不起打击而败退,有人则迎难而上,开始了新生;②虽然前行艰难,但也要凭借坚韧和勇气勇敢踏上征程,寻找属于自己的新生活;③此句表达了作者在乌乡霜降夜的所见所感,表达了对生命坚韧精神的深刻理解,对乌乡人的赞美。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      9. ①自然景象的描写中渗透着独特的生命感受:文章开头描写了乌乡清晨的霜景,草叶上的霜、萧条的桦树、寒星的隐逝、农家炊烟等细节,写出了霜降节气中自然的变化;通过写作者感受到风中对的含义,闻得到风中独特的味道,写出了生命的独特感受。②人与自然的互动:作者与农户们在院子里攀谈、品尝当地食物,展示了人与自然的密切联系;作者还写了霜降夜的景物变化与感受到的寒意,写了房东阿姨送毯子,谈论过冬的准备等细节,展现了乌乡人对节气的重视以及应对节气的方法,写出人与节气之间密切的关联。③情感的共鸣:作者在霜降夜中感受到乌乡人对生活的积极态度和对幸福的追求,产生了强烈的情感共鸣。特别是最后看到房东阿姨的小儿子离乡远行,作者感受到生命的流动和时间的变迁,进一步深化了对生命与节气之间联系的体验。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


























      10. 文中画波浪线的部分有三处需要断句,请用铅笔将答题卡上相应位置的答案标号涂黑。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      11. 下列对文中加点的词语及相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. 藉,凭借、借助,与《陈涉世家》中“藉第令毋斩”的“藉”意思相同。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 即,即使,与《桃花源记》中“太守即遣人随其往”的“即”意思不同。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 固,固然,与《赤壁赋》中“固一世之雄也,而今安在哉”的“固”意思相同。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. 但,只是,与《记承天寺夜游》中“但少闲人如吾两人者耳”的“但”意思相同。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      12. 下列对原文有关内容的概述,不正确的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. 臧霸曾为吕布效力,曹操擒捉吕布以后,臧霸为避祸藏匿起来;后来他又被曹操捕获,曹操不计前嫌,对他委以重任,任命他为琅邪相。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 曹操初起时为图霸业,能笼络人才,甚至能任用曾与己有怨者;势位已定时则猜忌异己,滥杀无辜。这正是其用人“以权术相驭”的表现。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 刘备以性情结交忠义之士,以诚待人,故能深得人心;刘备创业过程中多次遭遇挫折,但诸葛亮及关、张、赵云等人患难相随,忠贞不渝。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. 陆逊镇守西陵时,深得孙权信任,孙权给刘禅、诸葛亮写信,常常给陆逊看,有不妥之处就让他改定;到了晚年,陆逊遭到谗害,郁郁而终。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      13. 把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com



      【答案】10. BDG 11. A 12. AREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      13. (1)曹操让臧霸交出那两个人,臧霸说:“我之所以能够自立的原因,是因为不做这样的事情。”REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com







































      14. 下列对这首诗的理解和赏析,不正确的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. 诗歌开篇写春水、草色,围绕色彩落笔,营造出一种愉悦的情感氛围。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 春水新涨,水面辽阔宽广,在波间漂浮的船只显得如同蜉蝣一样细小。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 斥见于《庄子・逍遥游》,用来与鹏做对比,因此诗中缺字应是“鹏”。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. 诗歌的尾联写到了“分题”,以此收束,与题目中的“次韵”形成照应。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      15. 请赏析颈联“野桥柳线斜风软,曲槛花光夕照低”中“软”“低”二字艺术效果。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】14. C 15. “软”字形容斜风的温柔轻柔,营造出宁静和谐的氛围;“低”字描绘夕照的柔和低垂,增强了画面的层次感和诗意,使景象更生动。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com













      16. 补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      【答案】 ①. 海日生残夜 ②. 江春入旧年 ③. 山重水复疑无路 ④. 柳暗花明又一村 ⑤. 飞流直下三千尺 ⑥. 疑是银河落九天(飞湍瀑流争喧,崖转石万壑雷)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com








      17. 下列句子中的“要”与文中加点的“要”,意义相同的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. 描绘“寒风扫高木”的景况,用“木”字要比用“树”字更合适。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 莲花池边有个小酒店,我们走进去,打了半斤酒,还要了些菜。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 台儿沟没有学校,香雪每天上学要到十五里以外的公社去。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. 等枣树的叶子落尽,树上的枣子红完,西北风就要起来了。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      18. 请将文中画横线的部分改成几个较短的语句。可以改变语序、少量增删词语,但不得改变原意。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      19. 下列句子中画波浪线的词语与文中画波浪线的“苍翠”,所用的修辞手法相同的一项是( )REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. 烟花向上空冲去,下落时便洒散着满天花雨。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. 鲁迅先生穿着朴素的长衫,从容地坐在西装领带们旁边。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. 夏天的雨是热情洋溢的,喜欢不打招呼就前来拜访。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. 微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      20. 文中标序号的部分有两处表述不当,请指出其序号并做修改,使语言准确流畅,逻辑严密。不得改变原意。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】17. C 18. 示例(1):暖湿气流带着充沛的水汽在伊犁河谷一路长驱直入,它造就了一片片麦浪滚滚的田地,以及水草丰美的牧场。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      19. B 20. 序号②修改为:能浮现出这样一幅包罗万象的全景图;REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      序号④修改为: 还有河流、湖泊(还有河流和湖泊) 。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com






      B.讨。表示希望将某种事物归自己所有 。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com






















      序号③用词不当,把“任何”删掉或改为“所有”;语序不当,并列词语间应该有视觉顺序,比如由高到低,“盆地” 放在后面,与低处的“河流”“湖泊”能更好地衔接。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      序号④成分赘余,有了顿号没必要加“和” ,删掉顿号或“和” 。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      21. 下面的文字是一位老奶奶在医院看病时的自述,不够简明扼要,不利于和医生高效沟通。请对这段自述进行缩写。要求:保留必要信息,不超过80个字。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com















      22. 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com










      诚然,寻求群体接纳,渴望社会认同本是人之常情,隐藏真实想法、力求避免冲突的处世态度并非不可理解。但若是人人都掩藏心迹,不愿坦诚,交接之间含糊其辞、虚与委蛇,唯恐自己的“全抛一片心”碰上了对方的“且说三分话”, 生怕首先暴露了自己的真实态度、客观情绪而丧失主动权,如此,人与人之间的温情善意、赤诚真挚将不复存在,人们将永远保持着所谓的“安全距离”而无法触碰彼此的灵魂,永远受困于身边的“无效社交”而无法脱离原始的恐惧与孤独。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

















      第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      1. Where are the speakers going?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. A new restaurant. B. A convenience store. C. Their office.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      2. When is the class presentation according to Vicky?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Tuesday.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      3. Why does the woman make the call?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. To check the price. B. To make an apology. C. To cancel her order.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Husband and wife. B. Boss and employee. C. Salesperson and customer.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Their move to a new place. B. Toms friends at school. C. A sports center.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听第6 段材料, 回答第6、7题。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      6. What does the girl tell her dad?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. She decides to quit college.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. She worries about her academic ability.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. She is unpopular with her classmates.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      7. How does the father help his daughter?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. By telling a funny joke. B. By sharing his own story. C. By planning a school tour.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听第7段材料, 回答第8 至 10题。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      8. Who is the man?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. A researcher. B. A bird watcher. C. A radio host.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      9. When do birds sing quieter?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. On weekend mornings. B. During rush hours. C. In early evenings.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      10. What is Dr. Zollinger going to do next?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Summarize her studies. B. Play some recordings. C. Answer more questions.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      11. Where was Jena born?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. In Canada. B. In Japan. C. In Australia.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      12. How old was Mike when he left Glasgow?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Five. B. Six. C. Ten.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      13. What do we know about Mikes parents?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. They enjoy living abroad.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. They first met at the age of 20.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. They will start their own company.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听第9段材料, 回答第14至16题。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      14. What is the first question to Mr. Green about?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. His adventure in space. B. His physical condition. C. His doctors advice.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      15. How does Mr. Green feel about traveling to Mars?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Its unlikely to happen.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. Its physically demanding.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Its a chance not to be missed.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      16. Which is Mr. Greens favorite movie?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Apollo 13. B. Blue Earth. C. Space Station.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      17. What is the speaker doing?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Giving a report.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. Introducing a musical play.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Making an announcement.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      18. What are the students expected to do?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Carry school flags. B. Wear fun clothes. C. Design fancy masks.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      19. Where can the parents stand and watch?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. On the sidewalk. B. On the playground. C. In front of the office.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      20. What should the students do if they dont take part?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Let their teacher know. B. Stay in the lecture hall. C. Do some reading.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      1-5ACBCA 6-10 BBCABREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      11-15 ABABC 16-20ACBCAREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      (Text 1)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Look, we have time for hamburgar at this former restaurant.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Forget that. I know a new restaurant on Maple Street not far from our company. Is that okay with you?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Perfect.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 2)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Hi,Vicky. I remember our class presentation is on Wednesday,but you said its on Thursday. Are you sure?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Sorry. It was a slip of the tongue. I meant Tuesday for sure.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 3)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Allens furniture. Can I help you?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Hi. Im the one who asked about the price of a glass tea table top. Just now Im sorry,I made a mistake. The size should be 75 centimeters by 50 centimeters.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Oh. Thatll make a difference in the price. Hold on and let me find out.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 4)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: These are our new arrivals. Every man should own at least one woollen sweater. Dont you think?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: I agree. Any suggestions?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: The one with two pockets sells best this year?Lightweight and stylish. Would you like to try it on?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 5)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: How do you like your school,Tom?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Oh, I like it a lot and I also like the area. The nearby recreation center is cool. Thank you,mom.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: What really leaves you happy with your new home?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 6)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: I dont know if I want to go to college,I dont think Ill do very well there,REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Why not?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Because Im not smart.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Ye, It can be scary.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Did you ever come close to dropping out, Dad?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: No. But I worried a lot before I went,I thought college would be full of brains. Once I got there,I found out that most of the kids were just like me.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 7)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Hello,listeners. People around the world are reporting that birds are much louder these days. Now Ive connected with doctor salinger and lets hear what she will say.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: We feel that theyre singing louder because they sing in typically noisy places. But when the noise is gone,they sing quieter than they normally do.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: In other words,birds are like us in a noisy bar,for example,people will raise their voices.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Exactly. We know that birds sing quieter on the weekend mornings.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 8)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Hi. I dont think weve met before. Im Mike.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Hi,Mike. My name is Gina. Nice to meet you.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Nice to meet you,Gina. Where do you come from?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Originally Im from Canada,but we moved to australia when I was about 5 years old now. My parents live in Tokyo. How about you, Mike?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: I was born in Glasgow and we lived there until I was six. Then since my father worked for an international trade company,we moved all over the place.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Yeah. Where are some of the places youve lived?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Most of the time we lived abroad?We spent a total of 10 years in Japan,Germany and Korea. We came back to the UK only 2 years ago,but I think my parents would prefer to stay overseas for another 20 years.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Wow. It sounds like youve had an interesting life.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 9)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Good morning. Welcome the space hero, Mr Green to my studio.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Hello. Maria. Hello,my dear friends.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Well. Lets start from the first question I collected from the audience. Did you have any moments of dizziness since he landed back on the earth.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: The first 3 days back were pretty tough. Your body system is all messed up. So you feel dizzy. Its quite normal,though.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: Thanks. Another question. Would you go for the first manned Mars travel, If you have the chance?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Absolutely. A trip to Mars is hugely exciting. Im always ready for it.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W: I know you can watch movies on the space station. Whats your favorite space movie?Some people asked.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      M: Apollo 13 is probably my top one. My sons love blue earth. It was brilliant watching the new movie on board the space station.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      (Text 10)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      W : Our next dress up day will be on friday,October 28th, and it is our annual dress up day. On this day,students may dress up in fun clothes and there will be a march around the school. Students are reminded not to carry sharp things such as knives and swords. Please make sure that you can see and breathe easily if you wear masks. Parents are invited to watch the event but are asked to stand either in front of the office near the flagpole or in the grassy courtyard,the students will be marching around on the sidewalks. So we do need to keep all sidewalks clear. Parents and friends may also join in the march if they are dressed in appropriate clothes. But if youre just watching,wed like to ask you to stay in one spot to reduce traffic jams. Students who do not wish to take part in the event for religious or other reasons should inform their teacher and they will be allowed to stay in the office until after the event.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      Each ARTS FIRST festival is a unique annual celebration of the Harvard communitys artistic creativity. We invite you to join us for the coming ARTS FIRST. We look forward to welcoming you as we showcase the creativity of the Harvard arts community through performances, art exhibitions and art-making activities. The festival is a public event for Harvard and community members of all ages.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Light Awash in WatercolorREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Learn about the materials and qualities of watercolor paint with experts from the Harvard Art Museums Materials Lab. Try your hand at some of the painting tricks used by artists whose works will be in the upcoming exhibition of American Watercolors 1880-1990: Into the Light.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Spineless Artists: Invertebrate CreativityREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      From webs to cocoons, invertebrates (无脊椎动物) create some of natures most delicate and beautiful designs. Join Javier Marin from the Harvard Museum of Natural History to learn how insects and other invertebrates dance, inspire fashion and create art, while making your own spineless artists out of craft (手工艺) materials.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Wheel ThrowingREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Join instructors from the Ceramics Program and great potters from Quincy, Cabot and Mather Houses for demonstrations using the potters wheel. Then create your own masterpiece!REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Knitting and Pom-Pom MakingREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Join the Harvard Undergraduate Knitting Circle to make pom-poms and tassels out of thread, or pick up a pair of needles and learn to knit (编织).REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      1. What do we know about ARTS FIRST?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. It is an exhibition of oil paintings. B. It offers art courses for all ages.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. It presents recreational activities. D. It is a major tourist attraction.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      2. Which program will you join if youre interested in drawing pictures?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Light Awash in Watercolor. B. Spineless Artists: Invertebrate Creativity.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Wheel Throwing. D. Knitting and Pom-Pom Making.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      3. What can you do together with Javier Marin?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Practice a traditional dance. B. Make handcrafts.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C Visit a local museum. D. Feed invertebrates.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】1. C 2. A 3. BREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了ARTS FIRST艺术节的相关艺术展览和艺术制作活动,并且邀请热爱的学生或社区成员加入。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      推理判断题。根据文章第一段的“We look forward to welcoming you as we showcase the creativity of the Harvard arts community through performances, art exhibitions and art-making activities.(我们期待着您的到来,我们将通过表演、艺术展览和艺术创作活动来展示哈佛艺术界的创造力。)”以及下文的四个小标题“Light Awash in Watercolor (水彩中的淡光)”;“Spineless Artists: Invertebrate Creativity(没有骨气的艺术家:无脊椎的创造力)”;“Wheel Throwing (投掷轮子)”和“Knitting and Pom-Pom Making (编织和制作毛绒球)”可推知,ARTS FIRST是提供娱乐活动的。故选C项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      细节理解题。根据文章“Light Awash in Watercolor (水彩中的淡光)”部分中的“Learn about the materials and qualities of watercolor paint with experts from the Harvard Art Museums Materials Lab. Try your hand at some of the painting tricks used by artists whose works will be in the upcoming exhibition of American Watercolors 1880 ― 1990: Into the Light. (与哈佛艺术博物馆材料实验室的专家一起了解水彩颜料的材料和质量。在即将到来的“1880 ― 1990年美国水彩画:进入光”展览中,尝试一下艺术家们使用的一些绘画技巧。)”可知,如果对画画感兴趣,可以参加Light Awash in Watercolor。故选A项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      细节理解题。根据文章“Spineless Artists: Invertebrate Creativity (无脊椎艺术家:无脊椎动物的创造力)”部分中的“Join Javier Marin from the Harvard Museum of History to learn how insects and other Natural invertebrates dance, inspire fashion and create art, while making your own spineless artists out of craft materials. (和哈佛历史博物馆的Javier Marin一起学习昆虫和其他自然无脊椎动物是如何跳舞、启发时尚和创造艺术的。同时用手工材料制作你自己的无脊椎艺术家。)”可知,参与者能跟Javier Marin一起进行手工制作。故选B项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      Animals can express their needs using a lot of ways. For instance, almost all animals have distinct vocals (声音) that they rely on to either ask for help, scare away any dangerous animals or look for shelter. But cats are special creatures who possess amazing vocalization skills. They are able to have entire conversations with humans using meows and youre able to interpret it. If a pet cat is hungry, it will keep meowing to attract attention and find food. However, when a cat is looking for affection, they tend to produce stretched and soft meows. Meowing starts as soon as a baby cat is brought to life and uses it to get the mothers attention and be fed.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Cats have many heightened senses, but their sense of smell is quite impressive. They use their noses to assess their environment and look out for any signs of danger. They will sniff out specific areas before they choose a place to relax. However, another way the cats are able to distinguish between situations is by looking for familiar smells. Your cat will likely smell your face and store the smell in its memory and use it to recognize you in the future. Thats why most pet cats are able to tell immediately if their owners were around any other cats, which they dont usually like.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Dogs are known for their impressive fetching habit, but cats take this behavior up a notch. Many cats will find random objects outside and bring them to their owners. This is a very old habit thats been present in all kinds of predators (食肉动物). Cats bring gifts for their owners to show they love you. These adorable little hunters are just doing something that its been in their nature since the beginning of time. So just go along with it!REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      4. What can be learned about cats meowing from the first paragraph?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Its a survival skill. B. Its taught by mother cats.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Its hard to interpret. D. Its getting louder with age.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      5. How does a pet cat assess different situations?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. By listening for sounds. B. By touching familiar objects.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. By checking on smells. D. By communicating with other cats.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      6. Which best explains the phrase "take. . . up notch" in paragraph 3?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Perform appropriately. B. Move faster. C. Act strangely. D. Do better.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      7. What is a suitable title for the text?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Tips on Finding a Smart Cat B. Understanding Your Cats BehaviorREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Have Fun with Your Cat D. How to Keep Your Cat HealthyREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D 7. BREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      细节理解题。根据第一段“Animals can express their needs using a lot of ways. For instance, almost all animals have distinct vocals (声音) that they rely on to either ask for help, scare away any dangerous animals or look for shelter. (动物可以用很多方式来表达他们的需求。例如,几乎所有的动物都有独特的声音,它们依靠这些声音来寻求帮助,吓跑危险的动物或寻找庇护。)”和“Meowing starts as soon as a baby cat is brought to life and uses it to get the mother’s attention and be fed. (猫宝宝一出生就开始喵喵叫,喵喵叫是为了引起妈妈的注意和被喂食。)”可知,猫叫声是一种生存技能。故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      细节理解题。根据第二段“Cats have many heightened senses, but their sense of smell is quite impressive. They use their noses to assess their environment and look out for any signs of danger. (猫有许多敏锐的感官,但它们的嗅觉令人印象深刻。它们用鼻子来评估周围的环境,寻找任何危险的迹象。)”可知,宠物猫通过检查气味来评估不同情况。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      词句猜测题。根据第三段划线词前半句“Dogs are known for their impressive fetching habit, (狗以其令人印象深刻的抓取习惯而闻名)”和后句“Many cats will find random objects outside and bring them to their owners. (许多猫会在外面随意找到一些东西,并把它们带给主人。)”可知,狗以取回东西而闻名,但猫可以从外边找到东西带回来,因此在这一行为上更上一层楼。短语take ... up a notch是用来形容猫在带回东西这一行为上做得更好或更出色。故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      主旨大意题。根据第一段“Animals can express their needs using a lot of ways.( 动物可以用很多方式来表达他们的需求。)”及全文可知,文章都在介绍和解释猫的各种行为方式,包括叫声、嗅觉和带回礼物的习惯,以及这些行为背后的原因和意义。所以“Understanding Your Cat’s Behavior(了解你的猫的行为)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选B。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      The Saint Lukas train doesn’t accept passengers ― it accepts only the sick. The Saint Lukas is one of five government-sponsored medical trains that travel to remote towns in central and eastern Russia. Each stop lasts an average of two days, and during that time the doctors and nurses on board provide rural (乡村) populations with basic medical care, X-ray scans and prescriptions.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      “People started queuing to make an appointment early in the morning,” says Emile Ducke, a German photographer who traveled with the staff of the Saint Lukas for a two-week trip in November through the vast regions (区域) of Krasnoyarsk and Khakassia.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Russia’s public health care service has been in serious need of modernization. The government has struggled to come up with measures to address the problem, particularly in the poorer, rural areas east of the Volga River, including arranging doctor’s appointments by video chat and expanding financial aid programs to motivate doctors to practice medicine in remote parts of the country like Krasnoyarsk.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      The annual arrival of the Saint Lukas is another attempt to improve the situation. For 10 months every year, the train stops at about eight stations over two weeks, before returning to the regional capital to refuel and restock (补给). Then it starts all over again the next month. Most stations wait about a year between visits.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Doctors see up to 150 patients every day. The train’s equipment allows for basic checkups. “I was very impressed by the doctors and their assistants working and living in such little space but still staying focused and very concerned,” says Ducke. “They were the best chance for many rural people to get the treatment they want. ”REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      8. How is the Saint Lukas different from other trains?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. It runs across countries. B. It reserves seats for the seniors.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. It functions as a hospital. D. It travels along a river.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      9. What can we infer from paragraph 3 about Krasnoyarsk?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. It is heavily populated. B. It offers training for doctors.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. It is a modern city. D. It needs medical aid.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      10. How long can the Saint Lukas work with one supply?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. About a year. B. About ten months.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. About two months. D. About two weeks.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      11. What is Ducke’s attitude toward the Saint Lukas’ services?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Appreciative. B. Doubtful C. Ambiguous. D. Cautious.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】8. C 9. D 10. D 11. AREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      细节理解题,根据文章第一段“The Saint Lukas is one of five government-sponsored medical trains that travel to remote towns in central and eastern Russia. Each stop lasts an average of two days, and during that time the doctors and nurses on board provide rural(乡村)populations with basic medical care, X-ray scans and prescriptions. (圣卢卡斯号是五列政府资助的医疗列车之一,前往俄罗斯中部和东部的偏远城镇。每一站平均停留两天,在此期间,船上的医生和护士为农村人口提供基本医疗服务、X光扫描和处方。)”可知,圣卢卡斯号与其他火车的不同之处在于它是政府资助的医疗火车,充当医院。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      推理判断题,第三段提到“Russia’s public health care service has been in serious need of modernization. The government has struggled to come up with measures to address the problem, particularly in the poorer, rural areas east of the Volga River, including arranging doctors appointments by video chat and expanding financial aid programs to motivate doctors to practice medicine in remote parts of the country like Krasnoyarsk. (俄罗斯的公共卫生保健服务迫切需要现代化。政府一直在努力提出解决这一问题的措施,特别是在伏尔加河以东较贫穷的农村地区,包括通过视频聊天安排医生预约,扩大财政援助计划,激励医生到克拉斯诺亚尔斯克等偏远地区行医。) ”可以推断,Krasnoyarsk需要医疗援助,故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      细节理解题,根据第四段“For 10 months every year, the train stops at about eight stations over two weeks, before returning to the regional capital to refuel and restock (补给). ”(每年有10个月,火车两周内停靠大约八个车站,然后返回地区首府进行补给和重新装货。) ”可知,圣卢卡斯号一份补给可以工作大约两周,故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      推断判断题。根据最后一段的““I was very impressed by the doctors and their assistants working and living in such little space but still staying focused and very concerned, ” says Ducke. “They were the best chance for many rural people to get the treatment they want. ”(“医生和他们的助手在这么小的空间里工作和生活,但仍然保持专注和非常关注,这给我留下了深刻的印象,”Ducke说。这是许多农村人获得他们想要的治疗的最好机会。”)”可知,Ducke对Saint Lukas的服务持赞赏的态度,故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com



      “I didn’t like the ending,” I said to my favorite college professor. It was my junior year of undergraduate, and I was doing an independent study on Victorian literature. I had just finished reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot, and I was heartbroken with the ending. Prof. Gracie, with all his patience, asked me to think about it beyond whether I liked it or not. He suggested I think about the difference between endings that I wanted for the characters and endings that were right for the characters, endings that satisfied the story even if they didn’t have a traditionally positive outcome. Of course, I would have preferred a different ending for Tom and Maggie Tulliver, but the ending they got did make the most sense for them.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      This was an aha moment for me, and I never thought about endings the same way again. From then on, if I wanted to read an ending guaranteed to be happy, I’d pick up a love romance. If I wanted an ending I couldn’t guess, I’d pick up a mystery (悬疑小说). One where I kind of knew what was going to happen, historical fiction. Choosing what to read became easier.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      But writing the end ― that’s hard. It’s hard for writers because endings carry so much weight with readers. You have to balance creating an ending thats unpredictable, but doesn’t seem to come from nowhere, one that fits what’s right for the characters.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      That’s why this issue (期) of Writer’s Digest aims to help you figure out how to write the best ending for whatever kind of writing you’re doing. If it’s short stories, Peter Mountford breaks down six techniques you can try to see which one helps you stick the landing. Elizabeth Sims analyzes the final chapters of five great novels to see what key points they include and how you can adapt them for your work.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      This issue won’t tell you what your ending should be ― that’s up to you and the story you’re telling ― but it might provide what you need to get there.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      12. Why did the author go to Prof. Gracie?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. To discuss a novel. B. To submit a book report.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. To argue for a writer. D. To ask for a reading list.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      13. What did the author realize after seeing Gracie?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Writing is a matter of personal preferences.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. Readers are often carried away by character.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Each type of literature has its unique end.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. A story which begins well will end well.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      14. What is expected of a good ending?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. It satisfies readers’ taste. B. It fits with the story development.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. It is usually positive. D. It is open for imagination.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      15. Why does the author mention Peter Mountford and Elizabeth Sims?REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. To give examples of great novelists. B. To stress the theme of this issue.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. To encourage writing for the magazine. D. To recommend their new books.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. BREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      【导语】本文是一篇议论文。文章首先通过作者与教授关于小说结局的讨论引发了对结局的思考,接着阐述了不同类型的文学作品结局的特点,最后提出了写作好的结局的重要性并介绍了《Writer’s Digest》杂志如何帮助作家写出更好的结尾。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      细节理解题。根据第一段““I didn’t like the ending,” I said to my favorite college professor. It was my junior year of undergraduate, and I was doing an independent study on Victorian literature. I had just finished reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot, and I was heartbroken with the ending. Prof. Gracie, with all his patience, asked me to think about it beyond whether I liked it or not.( “我不喜欢这个结局,”我对我最喜欢的大学教授说。那是我大三的时候,我正在做一项关于维多利亚文学的独立研究。我刚刚读完乔治・艾略特的《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》,读到结尾我很伤心。格雷西教授耐心地让我考虑一下,不要只看我喜不喜欢)”可知,作者去找格雷西教授是为了讨论小说。故选A项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      推理判断题。根据第二段“This was an aha moment for me, and I never thought about endings the same way again. From then on, if I wanted to read an ending guaranteed to be happy, I’d pick up a love romance. If I wanted an ending I couldn’t guess, I’d pick up a mystery (悬疑小说). One where I kind of knew what was going to happen, historical fiction. Choosing what to read became easier.( 这对我来说是一个顿悟的时刻,我再也没有想过同样的结局。从那时起,如果我想读一个保证幸福的结局,我就会选一部爱情小说。如果我想要一个我猜不到的结局,我会选一本神秘小说。一种是我知道会发生什么,历史小说。选择读什么变得更容易了)”可知,见过格雷西教授后,作者意识到了每种类型的文学都有其独特的结局。故选C项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      推理判断题。根据第三段“But writing the end―that’s hard. It’s hard for writers because endings carry so much weight with readers. You have to balance creating an ending that’s unpredictable, but doesn’t seem to come from nowhere, one that fits what’s right for the characters.(但是写出结局――那很难。对作家来说很难,因为结局对读者来说意义重大。你必须平衡创造一个不可预测的结局,但这个结局又不能显得凭空而来,要适合角色的设定)”可知,人们对一个好结局的期望是结局又不能显得凭空而来,要适合角色的设定,也就是符合故事的发展。故选B项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“That’s why this issue (期) of Writer’s Digest aims to help you figure out how to write the best ending for whatever kind of writing you’re doing. If it’s short stories, Peter Mountford breaks down six techniques you can try to see which one helps you stick the landing. Elizabeth Sims analyzes the final chapters of five great novels to see what key points they include and how you can adapt them for your work.( 这就是为什么这期《Writer’s Digest》旨在帮助你找出如何为你正在写的任何类型的作品写出最好的结局。如果是短篇小说,彼得・蒙特福德分解了六种技巧,你可以尝试看看哪一种能帮助你完美着陆。伊丽莎白・西姆斯分析了五部伟大小说的最后几章,看看它们包含了哪些关键点,以及你如何将它们应用到你的作品中)”可知,作者提到彼得・蒙福德和伊丽莎白・西姆斯是为了强调这期《Writer’s Digest》的主题,即帮助读者写出更好的结尾。故选B项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      What is moderation (适度)? Basically, it means eating only as much food as your body needs. You should feel satisfied at the end of a meal, but not too full. ____16____ But it doesnt mean saying goodbye to the foods you love.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Take your time. Its important to slow down and think about food as something nutritious rather than just something to eat in between meetings. ____17____ It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Eat with others whenever possible. Eating alone, “specially in front of the TV or computer, often leads to mindless overeating. And be careful about the foods you keep at hand. Its more challenging to eat in moderation if you have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like cookies. ____18____REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Control emotional (情绪的) eating. ____19____ Many of us also turn to food to deal with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, loneliness, or boredom. But by learning healthier ways to manage emotions, you can regain control over the food you eat and your feelings.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      ____20____ A healthy breakfast can start your metabolism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps your energy up all day. Avoid eating late at night. Try to eat dinner earlier and fast for 14 ― 16 hours until breakfast the next morning. Studies suggest that eating only when youre most active and giving your digestive system a long break each day may help to regulate weight.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      A. Eat properly throughout the day.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      B. We dont always eat just to satisfy hunger.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      C. Dont swallow a meal on the way to work.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      D. Most of us need to double the amount we eat.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      E. Instead, surround yourself with healthy choices.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      F. For many of us, moderation means eating less than we do now.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      G. That wont lead to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】16. F 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. AREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      上文“Basically, it means eating only as much food as your body needs, You should feel satisfied at the end of a meal, but not too full. (基本上,它意味着只吃你身体需要的食物,你应该在用餐结束时感到满足,但不要太饱)”指出,进餐时不要吃太饱,吃东西要适量。下文“But it doesn’t mean saying goodbye to the foods you love. (但这并不意味着要告别你喜欢的食物)”指出,适量进食不是要放弃吃自己喜欢的食物。F项“对我们许多人来说,节制意味着比现在吃的少。”解释了何为适量进食。承上启下,符合文意,选项中的“means”与下文一致。故选F项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      根据上文“Take your time. It’s important to slow down and think about food as something nutritious rather than just something to eat in between meetings. (慢慢来。放慢脚步,把食物看作是有营养东西,而不仅仅是会议间隙吃的'东西,这一点很重要)”可推知,本段主要建议读者吃东西要细嚼慢咽,不要过于急躁。C项“不要在上班的路上急忙吃下一顿饭。”承接上文。符合文意。故选C项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      上文“It’s more challenging to eat in moderation if you have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like cookies. (如果你已经准备好了不健康的零食,比如饼干,那么适量食用就更具挑战性了。)”指出,吃不健康的食物不利于适度饮食,E项“相反,你应该选择健康的食物。”符合文意,建议读者选择健康的食物。选项中的“healthy”与上文中的“unhealthy”相对应。故选E项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      根据本段首句“Control emotional (情绪的) eating. (控制情绪化进食)”以及下文“Many of us also turn to food to deal with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, loneliness, or boredom.(我们中的许多人也会求助于食物来处理不愉快的情绪,如悲伤、孤独或无聊)”可推知,本段主要建议读者不要情绪化的进行暴饮暴食,要进行健康饮食。B项“我们吃东西并不总是为了充饥。”指出有些人吃东西并不总是为了充饥,引出下文有些人通过食物发泄情绪,符合语境。故选B项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      设空处位于段首,总结全段,下文“A healthy breakfast can start your metabolism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps your energy up all day, Avoid eating late at night. Try to eat dinner earlier and fast for 14 ― 16 hours until breakfast the next morning. (健康的早餐可以启动你的新陈代谢,而吃少量健康的食物可以让你一整天都精力充沛,避免在深夜进食。尽量早点吃晚饭,禁食14 ― 16个小时,直到第二天早上吃早餐。)”指出,我们在一天中的每个时间段都要健康饮食。A项“全天合理饮食。”符合语境。故选A项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第一节(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      One day, we had a family dinner. While the adults were busy with their serious talk outside, I was left alone in the ____21____ to help my grandmother wash dishes. ____22____ my grandmother would tell me stories about her childhood.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Born just before WWII, my grandmother ____23____ an entirely different childhood lifestyle from mine. She did not have a chance to go to ____24____. Like in typical families, where boys were ____25____ much more than girls, my grandma had to stay at home to do ____26____. The only opportunity (机会) she could seize to ____27____ was when her brother was having Chinese ____28____ with the family tutor. She would sit quietly at the far end of the long dinner table, listening ____29____. This training taught her to read and write her Chinese upside down ― a skill that has turned out to be quite ____30____, especially whenever we share the newspaper. On most weekends, my grandmother, a young girl then, and her brother would go to the ____31____. There, they would walk through deep water, sit down cross-legged underwater and hold their ____32____ while they watched all action going on around them. This is something I ____33____ ― her ability to open her ____34____ underwater and still sit comfortably on the seabed.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      My childhood is quite ____35____ compared with hers. I am ____36____ that I did not need to ____37____ the hardships like she did. Ive never faced the problem of ____38____. I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to ____39____ to: her stories always make my history textbooks ____40____.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      21. A. sitting room B. kitchen C. yard D. dining hallREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      22. A. As always B. By the way C. For example D. Here and nowREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      23. A. adjusted B. promoted C. achieved D. experiencedREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      24. A. work B. school C. court D. pressREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      25. A. favored B. tolerated C. trusted D. acknowledgedREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      26. A. gardening B. homework C. business D. houseworkREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      27. A. exercise B. study C. explore D. teachREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      28. A. food B. guests C. lessons D. teaREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      29. A. closely B. directly C. nervously D. freelyREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      30. A. professional B. awkward C. simple D. practicalREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      31. A. market B. mountain C. beach D. classREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      32. A. secret B. breath C. view D. tongueREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      33. A. admire B. notice C. adopt D. valueREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      34. A. hands B. mouth C. eyes D. armsREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      35. A. difficult B. complex C. happy D. similarREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      36. A. grateful B. surprised C. convinced D. regretfulREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      37. A. reflect upon B. go through C. ask about D. prepare forREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      38. A. unemployment B. health C. education D. communicationREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      39. A. attend B. refer C. lead D. talkREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      40. A. come true B. come round C. come out D. come aliveREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. DREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      考查名词词义辨析。句意:当大人们在外面忙于严肃的谈话时,我一个人留在厨房里帮奶奶洗碗。A. sitting room客厅;B. kitchen厨房;C. yard院子;D. dining hall餐厅。根据下文“to help my grandmother wash dishes”可推知,此处指作者在厨房洗碗。故选B。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查副词短语辨析。句意:一如既往地,我的祖母会给我讲她童年的故事。As always一如既往;B. By the way顺便说一句;C. For example例如;D. Here and now此时此地。根据语境,结合下文“my grandmother would tell me stories about her childhood”可推知,此处指作者的祖母经常给作者讲童年故事,这次一如既往的给作者讲她童年的故事。故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的祖母出生在二战前夕,她的童年生活方式与我的完全不同。A. adjusted调整;B. promoted促进;C. achieved完成;D. experienced经历。根据下文“an entirely different childhood lifestyle from mine”可推知,此处指祖母经历的童年与作者的不同。故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:她没有机会上学。A. work工作;B. school学校;C. court法院;D. press出版社。根据下文“The only opportunity she could seize to ____7____ was when her brother was having Chinese ____8____ with the family tutor”可推知,此处在指祖母生活的年代,她是没有机会上学的。故选B。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像典型的重男轻女的家庭一样,我奶奶不得不呆在家里做家务。A. favored赞成;B. tolerated容忍;C. trusted信任;D. acknowledged承认。根据上文“She did not have a chance to go to school. Like in typical families”并结合语境可推知,此处指作者祖母生活的年代是重男轻女的,所以祖母才不被允许上学。故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:就像典型的重男轻女的家庭一样,我奶奶不得不呆在家里做家务。A.gardening园艺;B. homework家庭作业;C. business商务;D.housework家务。结合语境,再根据上文“my grandma had to stay at home”可推知,此处指作者祖母在家里做家务。故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词词义辨析。句意:她唯一能抓住的学习机会是当她的哥哥和家庭教师一起上语文课的时候。A. exercise锻炼;B. study学习;C. explore探索;D. teach教学。根据上文“She did not have a chance to go to school.”以及下文“with the family tutor”可推知,此处指祖母不被允许上学,自己找机会学习。故选B。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:她唯一能抓住的学习机会是当她的哥哥和家庭教师一起上语文课的时候。A. food食物;B. guests客人;C. lessons课程;D. tea茶。根据上文“having Chinese”以及下文“with the family tutor”可推知,此处指祖母的哥哥和家庭教师一起上语文课。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查副词词义辨析。句意:她会安静地坐在长长的餐桌的另一端,仔细地听着。A.closely仔细地、紧密地;B. directly直接地;C. nervously紧张地;D. freely自由地。根据上文“The only opportunity she could seize to study was when her brother was having Chinese lessons with the family tutor. She would sit quietly at the far end of the long dinner table”可推知,此处指祖母抓住学习机会,仔细地旁听学习。故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这项训练教会了她把中文倒过来读和写――这项技能被证明是非常实用的,尤其是当我们分享报纸的时候。A. professional专业的;B. awkward令人尴尬的;C. simple简单的;D. practical实用的。根据上文“This training taught her to read and write her Chinese upside down”以及下文“especially whenever we share the newspaper”可推知,此处指祖母学会的技能是非常实用的。故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:在大多数周末,我的祖母,当时还是个小女孩,和她的哥哥会去海滩。A. market市场;B. mountain山;C. beach海滩;D. class班级。根据下文“they would walk through deep water, sit down cross-legged underwater”可推知,此处指祖母和哥哥去海滩玩水。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那里,他们会穿过深水,盘腿坐在水下,屏住呼吸,看着周围发生的一切。A. secret秘密;B. breath呼吸;C. view视野;D. tongue舌头。根据上文“they would walk through deep water, sit down cross-legged underwater”可推知,此处指祖母和哥哥在水下屏住呼吸。故选B。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很钦佩她在水下张开嘴,还能舒服地坐在海底的能力。A. admire钦佩;B. notice注意到;C.adopt采纳;D. value重视。根据下文“her ability to open her ____14____ underwater and still sit comfortably on the seabed”可推知,此处指作者佩服祖母在水里的能力。故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很钦佩她在水下张开嘴,还能舒服地坐在海底的能力。A. hands手;B. mouth嘴;C. eyes眼睛;D. arms胳膊。根据上文“open her”以及下文“still sit comfortably on the seabed”可推知,此处指祖母张开嘴在水底坐着。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与她的童年相比,我的童年相当快乐。A. difficult困难的;B. complex复杂的;C. happy快乐的;D. similar相似的。通读全文,再根据“compared with hers”可推知,此处指与祖母的童年经历相比,作者的童年相当快乐。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很感激我不需要像她那样经历磨难。A. grateful感激的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. convinced深信不疑的;D. regretful后悔的。根据上文“My childhood is quite happy compared with hers.”可推知,此处指作者很感激自己的童年是快乐的。故选A。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词短语辨析。句意:我很感激我不需要像她那样经历磨难。A. reflect upon思考;B. go through经历;C. ask about询问;D. prepare for准备。根据上文“I am grateful that I did not need”以及下文“the hardships like she did”可推知,此处指作者感激自己不需要经历祖母经历过的那些磨难。故选B。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有遇到过受教育的问题。A.unemployment失业;B. health健康;C. education教育;D. communication沟通。通读全文,再根据上文“She did not have a chance to go to school.”可推知,文章主要讲了祖母不被允许上学,没受过教育的困境,所以此处指作者从来没有遇到过受教育的问题。故选C。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想是我们不同的童年背景让我的祖母成为了一个交谈时令人惊叹的人:她的故事总是让我的历史教科书鲜活起来。A. attend出席;B. refer参考;C. lead 领导;D. talk对话、讨论。结合上文祖母给作者讲故事,再根据上文“makes my grandmother such an amazing person”可推知,此处指祖母的经历使祖母成为了一个交谈时令人惊叹的人。talk to“与某人交谈”。故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想是我们不同的童年背景让我的祖母成为了一个交谈时令人惊叹的人:她的故事总是让我的历史教科书鲜活起来。A. come true成真;B. come round苏醒;C. come out出现;D. come alive变得生动。根据上文“I guess our different childhood background is what makes my grandmother such an amazing person to talk to: her stories always make my history textbooks”可推知,此处指作者祖母的经历和故事丰富了作者的人生,使历史书上的故事变得生动鲜活,跃然纸上。故选D。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Although parks of all sizes and types exist at any level, the national parks, in particular, tend ____41____ (catch) our attention because of their large size and variety. They are ____42____ (treasure) of American heritage (遗产). How did the national park system come about? On a cool, starry night in mid-September 1870, four men relaxed before a campfire along the Firehole River in ____43____ is now northwestern Wyoming. They ____44____(be) part of a 15-member exploring party that had spent almost five awesome weeks in witness of the natural beauties there.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      What should ____45____(do) with such a beautiful place? They wondered out loud. This area, with ____46____ (it) unique and breathtaking natural beauty, must be well preserved ____47____ all people of the nation to enjoy ― as a national park. They all agreed and vowed (承诺) to promote the idea at the ____48____ (complete) of their journey. Their promotional work paid off. Two years later, 18 years before Wyoming became a state, Yellowstone became the first national park in the United States and the world. Yellowstone was the ____49____ (large) United States national park ― 2.2 million acres ― until Wrangell-Saint Elias in southern Alaska, _____50_____ became a national monument in 1978, took the honors as a national park in 1980 with 12.3 million acres.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】41. to catchREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      42. treasuresREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      43. what 44. wereREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      45. be doneREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      46. its 47. forREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      48. completionREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      49. largestREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      50. whichREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管各级都有各种规模和类型的公园,但国家公园尤其吸引我们的注意,因为它们体积大,种类繁多。固定搭配:tend to do sth.,表示“倾向于做某事”,不定式作宾语,故填to catch。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查名词。句意:它们是美国传统的瑰宝。treasure表示“宝藏”,为可数名词,结合前文they are,应用复数形式,故填treasures。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      考查时态。句意:他们是一个由15人组成的探险队的一部分,他们花了近五个星期的时间来见证那里的自然美景。本空前They指代上文提及的四个男人,时间为1870年,同时联系后文had spent的过去完成时可知,本空时态为过去式且为复数形式,故填were。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      考查被动语态。句意:对于这样一个美丽的地方,我们应该做些什么呢?主语what指物,与谓语动词do是被动关系,情态动词should后接be done构成被动语态,故填be done。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




      考查介词。句意同上。介词for表目的,表示“为了所有国家的人都能享受”。 故填for。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com






      考查定语从句。句意同上。本空所在句子为定语从句,先行词为Wrangell-Saint Elias,从句中作主语,指物,引导非限制性定语从句用which,故填which。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      第一节短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^), 并在其下面写出该加的词。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Last week, I saw a program about Chongqing hotpot on TV. I was curious but planned a special one-day trip there with a friend of me. Our fast train was packing with passengers. A attendant gave us some travel brochures about Chongqing. When we arrived, we went straight a famous restaurant and ordered dishes, which tasted greatly. The atmosphere here made the meal all the more enjoyed. Hotpot is meant for families and friends to sit together, dip everything they like this in one pot, and shared friendship and love.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【答案】1. but→andREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      2. me→mineREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      3. packing→packedREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      4. A→AnREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      5. straight后加 toREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      6. greatly → greatREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      7. here → thereREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      8. enjoyed →enjoyableREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      10. shared→shareREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com



      【详解】1. 考查连词。句意:我很好奇,和我的一个朋友计划了一个特别的一日游。前后句之间为顺承关系,所以用并列连词and。故将but改成and。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      2. 考查代词。句意:我很好奇,和我的一个朋友计划了一个特别的一日游。a friend of mine我的一个朋友。介词of后接是名词性物主代词作宾语。故将me改成mine。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      3. 考查非谓语动词。句意:我们的快车上挤满了乘客。be packed with“挤满”,pack与train是被动关系。故将packing改成packed。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      4. 考查冠词。句意:一位服务员给了我们一些关于重庆的旅游手册。名词attendant 发音以元音音素开头,所以用不定冠词an。故将A改成An 。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      5. 考查介词。句意:当我们到达时,我们直接去了一家著名的餐馆,点了一些菜,味道很好。固定短语go straight to“径直前往”。故在straight后加 to。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      6. 考查形容词。句意:当我们到达时,我们直接去了一家著名的餐馆,点了一些菜,味道很好。tasted是系动词,后接形容词作表语。故将greatly 改成 great 。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      7. 考查代词。句意:那里的气氛使这顿饭更加愉快。描述刚刚到达的餐馆,用there指代上文提到的餐馆。故将here 改成 there。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      8. 考查形容词。句意:那里的气氛使这顿饭更加愉快。more后接形容词形式,在句中作宾语补足语。故将enjoyed 改成enjoyable。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      9. 考查定语从句。句意:火锅意味着家人和朋友坐在一起,把他们喜欢的东西放在一个锅里,分享友谊和爱。分析句子结构可知,这里为定语从句。先行词为everything,在定语从句中作宾语,省略关系代词that,从句中this多余。故去掉this。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      10. 考查非谓语动词。句意:火锅意味着家人和朋友坐在一起,把他们喜欢的东西放在一个锅里,分享友谊和爱。不定式to后接动词原形sit ,dip和share,表示目的。故将shared改成share。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      52. 英语课要求做课堂展示, 请你根据所给图片,以Development of Transport in China为题写一篇发言稿。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      1. 词数 100 左右;REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      2. 题目和首句已为你写好。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Development of Transport in ChinaREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      From the vehicle of horses to todays convenient transport, Chinese transport has an enormous development.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com



      Development of Transport in ChinaREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      From the vehicle of horses to today’s convenient transport, Chinese transport has seen enormous development. Chinese transport has undergone remarkable transformations, giving the Chinese people access to different ways of travelling.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Firstly, shared bicycles have emerged as a symbol of urban mobility, offering an affordable and green alternative for short trips. Secondly, the introduction of high- speed trains has dramatically shortened travel times, making intercity travel faster and more comfortable. Lastly, the proliferation of new energy vehicles underscores China’s dedication to environmental sustainability, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. These developments illustrate China’s journey towards a modern and efficient transportation network that balances convenience with environmental responsibility.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      In short, China’s transport system is embracing innovation and eco-friendliness.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生根据所给图片,以Development of Transport in China为题写一篇发言稿。REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com





      总之:in short→in a nutshellREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com



      原句:Firstly, shared bicycles have emerged as a symbol of urban mobility, offering an affordable and green alternative for short trips.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      拓展句:Firstly, shared bicycles, which offer an affordable and green alternative for short trips have emerged as a symbol of urban mobility.REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【点睛】【高分句型1】Chinese transport has undergone remarkable transformations, giving the Chinese people access to different ways of travelling.(运用了现在分词作状语)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      【高分句型2】These developments illustrate China’s journey towards a modern and efficient transportation network that balances convenience with environmental responsibility.(运用了that引导的定语从句)REi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      1―5 ACBCA 6―10 BBCAB 11―15 ABABC 16―20 ACBCAREi万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com




    白居易 忆江南・江南好08-31









