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      Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Present TECHNICAL ENGINEERdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      mERCER INE.,Albany,NYdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Plan,coordinate, and execute hardware,software and network installation,configuration,maintenance,troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract clients.Specialize in maintaining IBM and Mac PCs,and peripherals with emphasis on networking environments.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Develop and implement service schedules,systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality,cost-efficient technical services.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Respond immediately to emergency situations with sensitivity to deadlines and customer needs.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Assist network engieers woth installation and trobleshooting of Appleshare and Novell systems.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Analyze client equipment and operations to determine servicing and supply needs.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Monitor and maintain cost-effective inventories of supplies,tools and materials.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Investigate,test,and implement improvements to existing procedures.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Consistently manage time and multiple tasks to meet deadline,established objectives,and quality performance standards.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Foster clear communications and maintain excellent staff and client working relations.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      1982-1988 Manager of information systemsdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      KRITEL ASSOCIATES,INC.,Schnectady,NYdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Directed and supervised all MIS,related activities for a financial services firm supplying critical,timely information to corporate client base.Adminstered DISTON'S 2 Novell 2X networks,maintaining peak operating efficienclen and providing user training for all hardware and software applications.Controlled budget costs for purchasing and operations.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONSdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      Professional licensure and certifications add weight to resume.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Use of boldgace and itallcs provides a clean and crisp presentation.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      Over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience.Versed in both digital and analog electronics withspecific emphasis on computer hardware/software.Special expertise in system and component evaluation.Network supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arcnet LAN system.Proficient in assembly and C programming languages.Excelent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCEdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Stevenson Data Systems,Los Angeles,CA 1981-1993dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Components Evaluation Engineer 1992-1993dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Responsible for the characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for:Power supplies,oscillators,crystals,and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.Evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.Created adn developed power supply test plan used for evqluating third party power supplies.Interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components qualification.Technical advisor for Purchasing.Promoted to engineer II.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Design Evaluation Engineer 1990-1992dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Evaluated new computer product designs ,solving environmental problems on prototype computers.Conducted systems analysis on new computer profucts to ensure hardware,software and mechanical design integrity.Designed hardware and software for PC,ISA bus programmable load board used for environmental testing.Performed reliability lift testing on computer systems.Installed/maintained 20 user.Novell,Arcnet LAN system.Examined system and sub-system susceptibility to electrostatic discharge in order to meet IEC-801-2 industry standards.Analyzed complete power and load of computer system and subsystem to verify power and load estimations.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Assistant Engineer 1981-1990dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Performed extensive hardware evaluation ion prototype computers,tested prototype units for timing violation using the latest state-of-the-art test equipment,digital oscilloscopes and logic analyzers.Performed emvironmental,ESD and acoustic testing.Designed and built a power-up test used to test prototype computers during cold boot.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com


      Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineeringdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      --University of Southern California 1990dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Associate in Engineering Electronicsdwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      University of Southern California 1981dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Job descriptions emphasize candidates accomploshments.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com

      Work history is stated in reverse chronological order,with most recent employment listed first.dwj万博士范文网-您身边的范文参考网站Vanbs.com












